Comax France

The company provides grid power and storage services supporting the energy transition. Comax operates battery storage systems providing frequency reserve services to the grid, and a portfolio of gas fired power plants to meet peak demand. It also operates eleven highly efficient cogeneration plants that supply electricity and heat under long term agreements.


Founded in 2003 as a subsidiary of Canadian group Maxim Power and headquartered in Langon near Bordeaux (France), Comax provides balancing power and storage services to the grid, supporting the energy transition.

The group operates a portfolio of 39 assets across 30 locations in France:

  • 19 decentralised gas fired power plants and 9 battery energy storage systems (“BESS”) providing frequency reserve services to the grid to meet peak demand or mitigate unexpected drops in power supply which are ever increasing with the integration of intermittent renewable energy sources into the grid;
  • 11 highly efficient cogeneration plants that supply electricity and heat under longterm agreements.

Comax can leverage its existing access to the grid across its 30 nationwide sites to address grid stability challenges by installing batteries that can be activated at a very short notice (<1 minute) and maintain the frequency of the grid during peak demand periods. Comax is the 3rd largest French BESS player with 24MW/24MWh of BESS under operation and an additional 100MW/200MWh in secured pipeline.

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